Online Theses

Arnold, Brian John, Justification One Hundred Years After Paul. Dissertation, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2013.

Fawzi, S. O., Mystical Interpretation of the Song of Songs in the Light of Ancient Jewish Mysticism. Phd dissertation, University of Durham, 1994.

Fishbane, Michael, “Some Forms of Divine Appearance in Ancient Jewish Thought,” in Jacob Neusner, Ernest S. Frerichs, Nahum M. Sarna, eds., From Ancient Israel to Modern Judaism: Intellect in Quest of Understanding. Essays in Honor of Marvin Fox Volume Two (Atlanta, Georgia: Scholars Press, 1989), 261-270.

Francesca, Siroli, Abun d-bašmaya in the Syriac Tradition with particular reference to the 10th mêmrâ of Jacob of Serugh. Dissertation SEERI, Kottayam, 2016.

Jervis, Adrienne L., O Death, where is thy victory? A study of Christ's Descensus ad Inferos in the Odes of Solomon. Divinity thesis and dissertation collection. University of Edinburgh, 1995.

Harris, Michael D., Christological Name Theology in Three Second Century Communities, Phd dissertation, Marquette University, 2013.

Keiter, Sheila Tuller, The Jewish Understanding of the Scriptural Solomon Narrative: Examining Biblical, Classical Rabbinic, and Major Medieval Responses. Phd dissertation UCLA, 2018.

Morrison, Alan Thomas (1980) A literary and theological comparison between the odes of Solomon and the Johannine literature, Durham theses, Durham University. Available at Durham E-Theses Online:

Putthoff, Tyson Lee , Human Mutability and Mystical Change: Explorations in Ancient Jewish OntoAnthropology, Phd dissertation, Durham University, 2013.

Ricklefs, Norman, An Angelic Community: The Significance of Beliefs about Angels in the First Four Centuries of Christianity. Phd dissertation, Macquarie University, Sydney, 2002.

Roberto, María de los Ángeles, Las voces femeninas en las Odas de Salomón. Las Odas de Salomón desde una perspectiva de género. Tesis de Maestría en Sagradas Escrituras- ISEDET- Buenos Aires- Argentina, 2014.

Stori, Eliana, Tommaso in Siria. La ricezione del Vangelo secondo Tommaso nella letteratura cristiana di Siria (II-V secolo). Phd dissertation, University of Torino, 2010.

Trammell, Franklin, (Re)growing the Tree: Early Christian Mysticism, Angelomorphic Identity, and the Shepherd of Hermas. Phd dissertation, Rice University, 2014.

Ugolnik, Zachary, The Mirror of Glory: Sense and Subjectivity in Near Eastern Mysticism, Phd dissertation, Columbia University, 2018.

van Appeldoorn, Gljsbert, Contrastueel Dualisme in de Oden van Salomo en de Johanneïsche Geschriften: Een vergelijking tussen het gebruik van contrasten in de Oden van Salomo en de johanneïsch geschriften. Masterscriptie Ancient Studies, University of Amsterdam, 2015.